Water Monitoring

Monitoring Water Quality in the Penobscot River

Developing parameterized reports for quality control monitoring of water samples.

Monitoring Water Quality in the Penobscot River

The Pαnawαhpsekewi (people of where the rocks widen), also known as the Penobscot Nation, are deeply connected to their relative, the Pαnawάhpskewtəkok (Penobscot) River. The people get their name from the river with whom they share an identity and for whom they have a responsibility to care and protect. Nə̀pi (water) represents life and their love for the River is deeply personal and rooted in their culture and beliefs. The Penobscot water song describes the foundation of efforts to protect the health and well-being of the Penobscot River relative and an mp3 of the song can be downloaded for free.